Upazila Executive Officer's Office, Naogaon Sadar, Naogaon.
Citizen's Charter
(Service commitment)
Sr. No.
Type / nature of service
Procedures to be followed for receiving services
Officer in charge
Meeting of Upazila Nirbahi Officer with 01 visitors
If anyone came to meet the Upazila Nirbahi Officer, arrangements were made to meet him in a short time with courtesy. All office staff
02. If the Upazila Nirbahi Officer is out on official business, he should treat the visitors with courtesy. All office staff
03 Reply to Government Letters / Sending Reports Presenting documents / replies with complete information within minimum time. All office staff
04. Application of any individual organization regarding the complaint application
Present the post pad on the date of receipt of the letter and inform the applicant about the action taken and the action taken in the shortest possible time.
All officers / employees of the office
05 Adoption and implementation of various development plans Measures were taken by coordinating the various departments of the Upazila Parishad.
Upazila Nirbahi Officer / Officers and employees of the concerned department
06. Actions on law and order are taken in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Upazila executive officer / concerned employee
06 Hat-Bazar Lease Activities Leases are granted following the Hat-Bazar Management Policy. Upazila executive officer / concerned employee
06 Jalmahal Lease Activities Lease activities were taken up as per Jalmahal Management Policy 2009. Upazila executive officer / concerned employee
09 Activities are taken following the law and provisions related to land management and land revenue Upazila Executive Officer / concerned employee
10 Certificate Cases The Government Debt Collection Act 1913 was followed. Upazila Executive Officer / Certificate Assistant
Operation of 11 Mobile Courts Acting following Mobile Court Act 2009 Upazila Nirbahi Officer / Officer-in-Charge
Coordinating all types of training in all departments of 12 upazilas and training of other offices of the upazila as per the instructions of the concerned authority.
13 Receiving Complaints on Any Matters and Taking Further Necessary Steps If any complaint is received, it should be immediately forwarded to the concerned department for taking necessary action.
Upazila Nirbahi Officer / All employees of the office
14 Payment of bills for various developmental works
In case of receipt of documents from the concerned department in this regard, it should be immediately submitted and the approval should be sent to the concerned department through the movement register within the shortest possible time.
Upazila executive officer / concerned employee
Salary bill of 15 private educational institutions
If any bill is received from the concerned organization for salary allowance, it should be immediately checked and at the end of counter-signing, copy of the bill should be saved and other bills should be given to the head of the concerned organization. Upazila Nirbahi Officer / Relevant staff of the office
17 Functions of the Union Parishad If any application or decision letter is received from the Union Parishad, it is immediately presented to the officer and the decision is sent. Relevant employees of the officer / office
Payment of 18 gram police salary, in the first week of every month
Ensuring payment of salaries and allowances. Relevant employees of the officer / office
18. To perform all the functions of the office as per the rules by following the rules prescribed by the various governments. All officers / employees of the office
Upazila Executive Officer
Naogaon Sadar, Naogaon.
Apart from this, the following functions are performed in the upazila by the Upazila Nirbahi Officer.
Strengthening social and cultural activities.
Correspondence between Union Parishads.
Assistance in relief work during natural disasters, famines and epidemics.
Provide necessary assistance in maintaining law and order.
Acting as a supporting force in government activities.
Supervision of development and administrative work at upazila level.
Responsibility for coordination with departmental officers.
Implement all the policies of the ministry at the field level.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS