Department of Agricultural Extension
Citizen Service Information Table
Name of the service provider office: Shailgachhi Union Agriculture Office
Name of service
Officer in charge
Short service delivery method
Time and cost required to receive the service
Relevant laws
/ Rules / Regulations / Policies
The next remedial officer in case of failure to get certain services
Licensing of retailers and wholesalers of pesticides
1. Upazila Agriculture Officer
2. Agricultural Extension Officer
3. Deputy Assistant Plant Protection Officer (SAPPO)
The applicant has to submit the application for retail license. The inspector verified the matter of the applicant on the spot and submitted a report to the UAE. The application along with all the documents is sent to the district. After the approval of the deputy director in the district, the license is issued by the PPS and sent to the upazila office. After that the license is issued to the applicant from the upazila office.
10615 days;
1. Pesticide retailer's new license fee is Rs 300 and renewal fee is Rs 200,
2. The fee for the new license of the wholesaler of pesticides is 1000 rupees and the renewal fee is 500 rupees.
The Pesticide Ordinance, 1981, Pesticide Rules 1985 and Pesticide Rules Amendment 2010
Deputy Director
Technical support
1. Upazila Agriculture Officer
2. Additional Agricultural Officer
3. Agricultural Extension Officer
4. Assistant Agricultural Extension Officer
5. Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO)
The Upazila / Union Committee was informed about the new technology and an awareness meeting was organized with the farmers. Agricultural technology and information reach all types of farmers through team and personal communication. In case of tested technology, training on technology is provided by selecting exhibition plots and progressive / interested farmers and selecting subject based and area suitable technology. In case of technology transfer suitable for field application, field demonstration plots are set up, inspection / advice is given to the farmers at different stages, monitoring, field day celebrations and rallies are organized and sample cropping and reporting is done. In case of serious problems, feedback is collected or a report is sent to the research institute and higher authorities based on the opinion of the farmer and the results obtained.
25-33 days; Free
According to the Agricultural Extension Manual
Deputy Director
Assistance in quality seed production
1. Upazila Agriculture Officer
2. Additional Agricultural Officer
3. Agricultural Extension Officer
4. Assistant Agricultural Extension Officer
5. Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO)
Training is imparted by selecting interested and progressive farmers and lands and important conditions and precautions are informed. Field days and rallies are organized by setting up exhibition plots, field inspections, giving advice, monitoring, rogging or picking at appropriate times and necessary assistance is provided for collection, grading and proper storage of produced seeds / grains. Surrounding progressive and general farmers are encouraged and advised to produce and use quality seeds. Assistance is provided for sale / investment of seeds among other farmers.
In the meantime, seed quality is checked and seed treatment is ensured before sowing the seeds in the following year.
1-6 months; Free
According to the Agricultural Extension Manual
Deputy Director
Provide assistance in obtaining agricultural loans
1. Deputy Director of Headquarters (Fa: Echo :)
2. Upazila Agriculture Officer
3. Additional Agricultural Officer
4. Agricultural Extension Officer
5. Assistant Agricultural Extension Officer
. Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO)
The farmers are informed about the loan facilities and the applicable interest rates. The list of suitable farmers willing to take agricultural loan from government and non-government organizations is prepared by the Union Committee after checking the suitability of interested and progressive farmers and the priority list is prepared and sent to the Upazila Committee with recommendations. The list of priorities in the Upazila Committee is presented, approved and sent to the concerned bank along with the recommendation for obtaining loans.
Bangladesh Bank provides assistance in formulating loan disbursement policy by providing production cost of major crops. Assistance is provided by the concerned bank for transfer of loan money to farmer's bank account.
7-8 days; Free
According to the Agricultural Extension Manual
Deputy Director
Agricultural Information and Communication Technology Assistance
1. Upazila Agriculture Officer
2. Additional Agricultural Officer
3. Agricultural Extension Officer
4. Assistant Agricultural Extension Officer
5. Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO)
Assistance is provided to the agricultural workers, farmers and the general public on any information, advice, technology etc. related to agriculture from various counseling centers. That is why farmers are encouraged to seek help from counseling centers, agriculture offices, AICC, UICC, etc., and from the media, and are informed about the rules and regulations. In addition, posters, festoons with addresses related to the schedule of the event, e-mail, website, etc. were distributed. Any information on agriculture can be obtained from the DAE / AIS website. Display various information and technologies at district, upazila, union and block level,
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Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS