The Village Courts (Amendment) Act, 2013 is a law enacted to establish village courts for easy and speedy resolution of certain disputes and disputes in the jurisdiction of each union of the country. And necessary;
Abbreviation, Introduction and Application 18 (1) This Act may be called the Village Courts Act, 2006. (2) It shall come into force immediately. (3) It shall apply only to the area under the jurisdiction of the Union.
If there is nothing contrary to the definition or subject matter in this Act, (a) "cognizable offense" means the Cognizable Offense as defined in the Criminal Procedure Code; (b) "Union" means The Local Government (Union Parishads) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. LI). of Union 2 as defined in clause (26) of section 2 of 1983; (c) "Union Parishad" means defined in clause (27) of section 2 of The Local Government (Union Parishads) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. LI of 1983). Union Parishad; (d) "Assistant Judge with full jurisdiction" means the Assistant Judge within the jurisdiction of the Union under the jurisdiction of the Assistant Judge and in cases where there are more than one Assistant Judge with similar jurisdiction; (e) "Village Court. "Village Court constituted under section 5; (f)" Chairman "means the Chairman of the Village Court; (g)" Schedule "means the Schedule to this Act; (h)" Penal Code "means Penal Code, 1860 (Act No. XLV of 1860). ); (I) "Civil Procedure Code" means the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act No. V of 1908); (j) "prescribed" means prescribed by the rules; (k) "party" means It shall include any person whose presence is deemed necessary for the proper settlement of any dispute, and who is attached by the village court as a party to such dispute; V of 1898); (d) "rule" means a rule made under this Act; (6) "decision" means a decision of the village court.
37. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Criminal Procedure Code and the Civil Procedure Code, criminal cases relating to matters mentioned in the first part of the schedule and civil cases relating to matters mentioned in the second part. The court shall not have jurisdiction to adjudicate any such case or litigation. (2) No case relating to any of the offenses mentioned in the first part of the Schedule shall be tried by the Village Court if any person has already been convicted by the Village Court for any offense punishable in that case. Or, any case relating to the matters mentioned in Part II of the Schedule shall not be heard by the Village Court, if- (a) the interests of a minor are involved in the said case; (C) the government or the local authority or any government employee performing his duties is a party to the dispute. The provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply to any lawsuit or proceeding for the establishment or possession of immovable property or recovery of possession of immovable property as ordered by the village court.
48. Application for formation of village court. (1) In case any case under this Act is admissible by the village court, any party to the dispute may, in the prescribed manner, apply to the chairman of the concerned union parishad for the formation of village court. If the application is not rejected, citing written reasons, the prescribed proceedings shall be taken to constitute a village court. You can revise 7
58. (1) The village court shall consist of a chairman and two members nominated by both the parties for a total of four members. Provided that one of the two members nominated by each party must be a member of the concerned union council. Shall be the chairman of the village court, but in case he is unable to act as chairman for any reason or his neutrality is questioned by any party, in the prescribed manner, any other member of the said union council other than the member mentioned in sub-section (1) of the village court. (3) If there are more than one party to the dispute, the Chairman shall call upon the persons nominated by that party to nominate two members for their party and if they fail to make similar nomination, he shall empower one of the persons to nominate a member. And accordingly the person having similar powers shall nominate the member. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) The party may, with the permission of the chairman, nominate a person other than a member of the union council as a member of the village court. It legitimately runs its activities
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS